Blog | White Tiger Karate, LLC

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  • The Benefits of Game Based Learning

    The Benefits of Game Based Learning

    Play is often overlooked as a learning tool for children. defines play as “engaging in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose.” It is seen as a type of “free time” when nothing else important is happening. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. For 3 to 4-year old’s, play is vital to their overall development and learning. Children between the ages of 3 and 4 years old are growing physically, intellectually, emotionally, and socially, at a very rapid rate. They are discovering new things daily and are attempting to navigate the world with very little information and abilities. Because ....

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  • Welcome to 2024!

    Welcome to 2024!

    At White Tiger Karate we have made a few New Year Resolutions - all to benefit you! 1. Communication: We will continue with our Monthly email updates. We have also created a yearly calendar (attached as a pdf in this email). We have planned out Ninjazone and Skillz testing dates, Parent's Night Out every 3rd Saturday of the month, Community Get Togethers, and our closures. While we will strive to maintain this schedule, please know that things happen and we will inform you of any changes as soon as possible. How will we communicate with you? Email, Social Media postings, class announcements, and the white board up front. Have a question? Text or call us: 603-998-1151 or email us at ....

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  • Playful Connection - Filling Your Child's Cup

    Playful Connection - Filling Your Child's Cup

    Over the years, healthy connection levels between parents and children have decreased, leading to more challenging behaviors from children. Today's modern lifestyle has interfered with the opportunity for the parent-child bond to grow. This vital aspect of a child's life is essential for their emotional cup to be full, giving them healthy self-worth and self-esteem. To fill their cup, children need quality connection time with their parents every day. When they receive this, children will develop healthy self-worth and self-esteem and, therefore, approach the world with more kindness and compassion. The "emotional cup" metaphor created by Upbility, publishers of therapy resources, asks ....

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  • 8 Holiday Parenting Tips

    8 Holiday Parenting Tips

    Holiday Parent SKILLZ Tips 1 Connection Although the holidays are a time of traditions and family moments, the hustle and bustle often leaves children feeling disconnected from their parents. There is so much preparation that quality time becomes an afterthought. This often leads to behavior problems for children and frustration for parents. Even though there is so much to do, it is important for parents to remember that children are the most responsive and happy are when they are most connected with their parents. To prevent protentional behavior problems, spend quality time each day with your child by doing activities such as wrapping gifts or baking together. Let your child feel ....

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  • The Power of Yet

    The Power of Yet

    Fostering Growth Mindset: How SKILLZ Schools Use the Power of Yet In the world of martial arts education, fostering a growth mindset in children is as important as teaching them self-defense skills. A growth mindset encourages students to believe in their ability to learn and grow, making it a valuable life skill. At SKILLZ schools, the Power of Yet is a central concept used to instill this mindset and empower young martial artists. In this blog, we'll explore how SKILLZ schools leverage the Power of Yet to cultivate a growth mindset in their students. The Power of Yet The Power of Yet is a simple but transformative idea introduced by psychologist Carol Dweck in her book "Mindset." It's ....

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  • October 2023 - Updates and Events

    October 2023 - Updates and Events

    Happy October! We welcome 18 new students to White Tiger Karate this month, and are excited to have you as part of our wonderful family. Please make sure to say hi and introduce yourselves! Last month we sent out a Customer Feedback questionnaire and we heard you loud and clear. Thank you for the wonderful feedback you all provided and we look forward to continuing to improve, especially in our communication. As such, I officially welcome you to the WTK Times! A monthly email will be sent out so you know what to expect and we will include a picture calendar as well for a quick and easy glance. This will also be shared on the private Facebook Group and in the Blog Section of our ....

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  • "Look at my muscles"-child development 3-4 yrs

    “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” Dr. Seuss “Mommy, look my muscles?!” I remember it like it was yesterday when my youngest son who was three years old at the time came running into the kitchen to show me his BIG arm muscles after doing some push-ups with his daddy… Or at least his version of push-ups which looked more like a version of the worm LOL! The joy on his face and the pride in his voice was such a heart-warmer in the midst of cleaning up the usual, never ending mess that ensues when living with littles. His puffed up chest and strong mighty fists to show me his bestest Hulk strong muscle ....

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  • Elite Sports and Born Tough-Review Coming

    Check out Elite Sports and Born Tough-Review Coming! We’re excited to be working with Elite Sports and Born Tough to try out their products! We will come up with a review post once the product testing is done and post here and on our weekly podcast. Keep an eye out for these updates. Check them out here: BJJ Bags Gray BJJ Bag Men’s BJJ Gi’s Kids’ BJJ Gi’s ....

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  • Parent SKILLZ-Connection

    Parent SKILLZ-Connection

    Hey Parents! I am excited to announce our new Parent SKILLZ Content! Each week we will share some content to help take your parenting skills to the next level! This content will be shared on Mondays at 9am in our parent group This month is Parent SKILLZ 1: CONNECTION Here’s what we are sharing: Week 1 – Motivational Quote This quote will inspire you to focus on this specific skill for the entire month. Week 2 – Video Tip This 60 second video will provide some great tips to help you practice the parent skill. Week 3 – Parent Worksheet This worksheet will provide you ....

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  • Is Your Child Ready for School?

    Is Your Child Ready for School?

    Is Your Child Ready for School? The past year and a half of school have been such a tumultuous ride. From school closures to virtual classes to partial reopening, it seems as if our children have experienced every out-of-the-norm scenario we could come up with. And although the goal was to keep them safe, children’s development took a significant hit. We’ve seen more significant emotional distress, poorer health choices, regression in cognitive momentum, and decreased social skills. So, as the new school year approaches, it is more important than ever to ensure that they are prepared for school in ways that cover all developmental areas. The idea of “school ....

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