During this crazy time I want to share the love of "We got this"! As a former firefighter, we had to stay calm in the midst of chaos. By keeping a calm head purposeful action could take place
This is absolutely the time to teach our kids that life will always have stressors. It is how we deal with them that will bring us to a place of greatness or not....Understanding that, as a teacher and mom, my job is to lead our younger generations in how to cope with the stressers in away that is healthy and meaningful. Lesson one...adapt!
While our dojo is closed to group classes, we have gone viral! As part of a cutting edge family (Skillz) we have been working together to provide fun classes on several platforms. WTK has classes on fb for everyone in our community and will add other platforms in the future. Challenges will pop up during the day as well to keep the motivation going.
Stay strong. We got this!
Keep the endorphins pumping Much love, Sensei Sharyl Geisert, Master level, Child Development Expert-Skillz
See us on FB at https://www.facebook.com/whitetigerkaratellc/