Super-Charge Your Child’s Development
During the Summer
As the world continues its reopening efforts, more and more parents are headed back to work. And while this is a positive sign, it leaves parents with the task of finding their children a fun, yet safe, program to spend each day at. Since summer camps are unable to provide some of the usual daily activities due to the current restrictions, finding a program that has a creative approach to its curriculum is important. In addition, a program that can help propel children in a forward direction again when it comes to their overall development is essential.
Normally children are now just beginning to feel the effects of the summer slide. However, the pandemic forced the slide to hit earlier, leaving parents to fill in the gaps of their child’s development in all areas. People and programs that they usually relied on for help were taken away, which left parents to do it all on their own. Even with the most well-intended efforts on the parent’s part to keep children on track and in a forward developing motion, the lack of access to usual resources still had a negative impact.
Because most children have had some sort of regression in behaviors and stagnated developmentally, it is important that parents find camps that will boost development again while also maintaining safety protocols. Camps that provide a balanced approach of activities that promote a child’s physical, intellectual, emotional, and social (4D) development will be the most effective in getting them back to an ideal path. Structured programs run by positive role models create opportunities for fast-paced development as well as life skills enhancement. This method will instill qualities in children that will benefit them into the school year and beyond.
The WTK-SKILLZ program camps incorporate all these things. This 4D approach to learning stimulates the children’s minds and disguises learning as fun. Since neurobics is used, neurons fire and children’s brains become primed for learning. This allows for all activities to be the most effective throughout a camp day. And since WTK-SKILLZ also uses techniques that boost positive chemicals in the brain, children’s development is super-charged. This type of program is precisely what child development leaders have spent years saying children need.
As we continue to move forward with changes to our normal lives, we must remain vigilant with children’s development and provide them with the opportunities to learn and grow. Exposing them to life outside of their home again, but on a smaller scale, will prepare them to return to school in the fall. By doing these things, we are helping them “catch up” and get back on the proper developmental track, while feeling safe and secure. That way, by the time school starts up again, they will be fully prepared and be at the top of their game.
P.S. And a BIG shout-out to Jennifer Salama for her hard work on these blogs!
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